Thursday, 8 November 2012

Live brief workshop:

We began the session by selecting a brief that we feel is our favourite and the looked into why we have chose this: The series of questions below where generated by the group and give me an understanding of why i have chosen this brief and what i want to get out of it:

Why have i chosen this - 
I have chosen this brief as it will allow me to expand my skills with branding and identity - I feel that this is one of my stronger skills within my practice and is something i want to move onto when moving on into the infustry 

What do i want to get out of this-
I want to gain a wider and improved set of skilss within branding and identity as this is one of my favourite areas of design: Hopefully win and get my name out into the industry as well as giving me work for my portfolio

What do i want to make:
Although the logo and colour scheme is going to stay the same, i feel that this is a great opertunity for me to generate a really innovative idea that is far outside of the box,  this will not only benifit my personal practice within branding and identity but also problem solving skills

Why do i want to enter
- To win
- Expland skills with branding and identity
- Improve problem solving skills
- Get my name into the industry

What is the problem:
a need for people to travel to europe and stay at the Marriot to generate more money 
also a need to widen the audience again to generate more money for the company 

What isit asking you to do:
The brief asks me to produce a campaign that makes the next generation want to travel to europe and also to stay at the Marriot on their travels

What isit trying to achieve:
To bring new customers into the hotel and to expand the age range of audience that visit the hotel

10 most important words in the brief:
- Next generation
- New mindset
- Young
- Knowledgeable 
- Sophisticated
- warm
- caring
- genuine 
- ambitious 
- Europe
- Cultural 

What is the message:
To promote a stay at the hotel
persuade travel to europe
Encourage people to attend the events 
Inspire the youth to travel

Who is the audience: 
- younger generation
- people following events
- young people
- people outside of europe

What is the context
- events
- airports
- train stations
- Taxis - transport
- town centres

-Business cards - Flyers
- Festival suplies?

10x a design needs to win
Innovative ideas
professional execution 
effective communication
meet the brief
meet submission deadlines
beautiful aesthetics
question the brief
quality of presentation

What do you have to have done:
Persuade youths want to travel to europe and most of all to stay at the marriot 

What do you need to do:
Make sure the design is specific for the target audience (specific)

What can you do:
Anything - that would appeal to the audience at the appropriate time  -styles ect:

What has not been done:????????

Re write my selected brief:

3 questions:

Next PPP session: 

What do you already know:
What do i need to find out:
What is stopping you: 

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